Event: Kinfolk Workshop in Seoul

Editors from Seoulist teamed up with traditional Korean food experts at Ongdalsaem Center to host a Kinfolk seasonal workshop “Preserving the Season.” It was the first Kinfolk workshop held in South Korea. The organizers were pleasantly surprised that the tickets were sold out and there was a strong demand for such event. Even I was surprised that Kinfolk had such broad readership.

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The Ondalsaem Center is located in Chungju, about two-and-a-half-hour drive from Seoul, and the setting was bucolic and quiet, hidden in a small mountain. Their master chef Seo Mi-Soon guided participants through making traditional fermented foods like Cheonggukjang, Jjangachi and Yeolmu Kimchi. It was a team effort and everyone was really enjoying themselves.

I was making pictures the whole time, so I couldn’t really participate. But I did get this cute picture taken and a small jar of Yeolmu Kimchi, thanks to Sonja and Mimi.

And the dinner was just serene and beautiful. Together we ate the foods prepared during the course of the day, and everything was organic and healthy. I could literally tell that my body was liking it! All in all, it was a blast. The Seoulist team and Ongdalsaem Center set the bar really high for the next Kinfolk workshops to come in Korea. Congratulations!